There are many telnet/SSH client software programs available for connecting to bulletin board systems. I prefer using ZOC (nag screen if not registered after a trial period, no loss of functionality) ZOC is a native Windows program with full DOS/Extended ASCII support, independent window scroll back features and excellent cut and paste. Simply highlight and drag a section of the screen to copy it into the clipboard, or use the hot key “shift insert” to paste text directly into the terminal.
Gargoyle’s Landing Logon Script
For notetaking, I personally use Notepad+ for speed, multi-tabbed files, and persistent memory for reopening all open files. There are many other good alternatives of course.
Initial ZOC Configuration
Options -> Edit Session Profile
(Terminal tab)
Timeout Control: after 177 idle sec.
* Send ^M
Screen Size:
80 x 60 (tweak the second number depending on your screen resolution)
(Window/Colors tab)
Check “Scrollbar”
(Fonts tab)
Character Set: IBM/DOS/OEM (437)
Because I personally find the dark red difficult to see, I generally modify this color to a light brown:
Edit Global Color Table
Select Red
Modify this color
Options -> Edit Key Map Profile
F1 = C;4;;1^M = scoreboard
F2 = C;8;T;NS;1^M = today’s newspaper
F3 = C;8;Y;NS;1^M = yesterday’s newspaper
F4 = S;M^M = scan and move
F5 = L;3;;P;;;0;L;3;;P;;;0/R20^M = Sell equipment from planet to port
F6 = L;2;;P;;;0;L;2;;P;;;0/R20^M = Sell organics from planet to port
F7 = L;1;;P;;;0;L;1;;P;;;0/R20^M = Sell ore from planet to port
F8 = L;T;C;P;;/R20^M = Transfer cargo from port to planet
F9 = P;;;;;L;T;C;3;/R20^M = Sell Equipment to port and transfer cargo from port to planet
F10 = P;;;;;L;T;C;2;/R20^M = Sell Organics to port and transfer cargo from port to planet
F11 = P;;;;;L;T;C;1;/R20^M = Sell Ore to port and transfer cargo from port to planet
F12 = F;1;S;M^M (Alternative breadcrumb mapping)
Yet another program I use is the iOpus File Downloader. This allows you to capture the contents of a website at the very end of the day, such as the newspaper right before it is reset with the next day’s news. I use task scheduler to run this batch file at 9:56pm PST (11:56 Mountain Standard Time):
@echo off
set MTH=%DATE:~4,2%
set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
set YR=%DATE:~10,4%
set HR=%TIME:~0,2%
set HR0=%TIME:~0,1%
if “%HR0%”==” ” set HR=0%TIME:~1,1%
set MIN=%TIME:~3,2%
set SEC=%TIME:~6,2%
C:\webfile\downloader.exe -download C:\webfile\gl\news-%MYDATE%.htm
C:\webfile\downloader.exe -download C:\webfile\gl\score-%MYDATE%.htm
The result is a folder under “C:\WEBFILE\GL” containing a historic list of all newspaper events and scoreboards with the date embedded into the file name.